One box with not just bubble wrap but actual cotton inside held an old Book Club Edition of This Island Earth—I saw the film maybe 25 years ago, so on general principle I figured I might as well give the book a try. It definitely won’t be today or tomorrow, but I’ll get around to it sometime.
One puffy envelope from Canada held a lovely UK Pan edition of The Puppet Masters with a cover reminiscent of—but not by, since the initials in the painting appear to be “GA”—Boris Vallejo.
Finally, a flat and sturdy little box held December 1951 Famous Fantastic Mysteries that has a reprint of “ ‘—And He Built a Crooked House,’ ” which of course first appeared in Astounding Science-Fiction in February 1941.
A nice evening’s haul, and now the Heinlein are scanned, and posted to the appropriate pages in my Heinlein Cover Art galleries.