Does your college or university library need this text? It just might... I know I am looking forward to my contributor copies!
RafeeqMcGiveron.com |
![]() A few days ago, academic publisher McFarland Books released The Fantastic Made Visible: Essays on the Adaptation of Science Fiction and Fantasy from Page to Screen, edited by Matthew Wilhelm Kapell and Ace Pilkington. It looks to be a very interesting text, and of course I have a chapter there on Robert A. Heinlein’s course from Rocket Ship Galileo, “Requiem,” and “The Man Who Sold the Moon” to Destination Moon. Does your college or university library need this text? It just might... I know I am looking forward to my contributor copies! Rafeeq
![]() It was a lovely day in mid-Michigan, so I went over to the always-delightful Curious Books in East Lansing, where I found another seven copies of various Heinlein that I wanted. And then as I was checking out, the clerk, noticing the trend of the purchases, pointed out a British Space Family Stone (i.e., The Rolling Stones) with a lovely science-fictional cover of speedboating on a wild alien world--the art has nothing to do with the plot, of course, but for a couple more bucks, I couldn't resist. All covers now are scanned to the appropriate pages of my Heinlein cover art galleries. Enjoy, Rafeeq ![]() Yesterday we drove down to Ann Arbor to go through the U of M museum, which we hadn’t visited in quite a few years, and we also stopped in to the Dawn Treader bookstore on Liberty Avenue. This really is a helluva shop, beautifully cluttered in the way that only a good used bookstore can be. It may not have more masks than my attic, but it has a nice assortment, along with a lovely faux Egyptian sarcophagus that it is quite eye-catching, and its SF collection is lovely and varied, with some things piled so high that someone around six feet tall may juuuust reach ’em. Oh, yes, and Dawn Treader also has a section of first editions and signed editions that the easily tempted, especially those with slack on their credit cards, perhaps should not peruse... In any event, I picked up 10 nice Heinleins, including some beautiful old first edition Scribner’s and an edition of Variable Star signed by Spider Robinson. I scanned all covers, plus the occasional Clifford Geary interior and some further Richard M. Powers interiors of the illustrated Fawcett The Number of the Beast. All 24 shots now are posted to their appropriate pages in my Heinlein art galleries. Enjoy! Rafeeq |
AuthorAuthor of several dozen pieces of literary criticism, reference entries, and reviews; novel Student Body; memoir Tiger Hunts, Thunder Bay, and Treasure Chests; how-to The Bibliophile's Personal Library; humorous Have You Ever Been to an Irishman's Shanty?; some poetry; and quite a bit of advising/Banner training materials. Archives
August 2024