My main emphasis is prose, of course, whether non-fiction or fiction, but every now and then I have an idea for a poem that I simply cannot resist. Some are serious, and some are playful. I only have a few, though, and all are linked below.
“Split Peach.” CleanSheets.com May 2008. Alas, the site has gone dead, but an old printout is available here. To see how the
piece progressed across several drafts, click here.
“Great-Grandpa Bill’s Toilette, 1935.” SmallSpiralNotebook.com January/February 2002. This site unfortunately is no longer
online either, but the poem is available here.
“Sonnet 12: When they do watch the clock.” LCC Prism 1999: A Faculty Journal (1999): 49. Available here.
“The Rime of the College English Prof.” LCC Prism 1996: A Faculty Journal (1996): 32-35. Available here.
“The Cravin’.” LCC Prism 1994: A Faculty Journal (1994): 36-38. Rpt. in The MacGuffin June 1995: 85-88. Available here.
piece progressed across several drafts, click here.
“Great-Grandpa Bill’s Toilette, 1935.” SmallSpiralNotebook.com January/February 2002. This site unfortunately is no longer
online either, but the poem is available here.
“Sonnet 12: When they do watch the clock.” LCC Prism 1999: A Faculty Journal (1999): 49. Available here.
“The Rime of the College English Prof.” LCC Prism 1996: A Faculty Journal (1996): 32-35. Available here.
“The Cravin’.” LCC Prism 1994: A Faculty Journal (1994): 36-38. Rpt. in The MacGuffin June 1995: 85-88. Available here.