The cover of the collection harks back nicely to the Emshwiller work on Have Space Suit—Will Travel, and although the perspective is a tad confusing on the Galaxy cover by Don Sibley, it otherwise is very nice, too. I scanned the interior art of The Puppet Masters, and then, now that I have more experience on the pulps, I also went back and scanned the all the van Dongen interiors of the installments of Citizen of the Galaxy I have from my 1957 Astoundings.
All-up, this was a good dozen and a half interiors, plus the two covers. The Outward Bound collection is on my Scribner’s YA page, while the others are on my Serializations page.
Oh, and I almost forgot: Recently I also picked up a couple nice illustrated books of space/SF art, which I have filed on my Science Fiction/Science Fact page—good stuff, including some Chesley Bonestell, whose work is never less than absolutely gorgeous.