Are you a lover of such beautiful SF art? If so, remember that on my “Links” page I have a link to the site where you can purchase such things directly from the artist himself—who is quite a nice gent, by the way.
Do there exist reasons not to buy such art? Why, of course. If, for example, one is starving and scrounging food from garbage-heaps— If one needs money for bail so that one can be free to hunt down the perpetrator of the heinous crime of which one is wrongfully accused— No, in such cases, one certainly should not take the plunge. Otherwise, though... Well, it’s awfully hard to resist.
In any event, once I get the complete package back from the framing shop in a week or two, I will try to take a pic of the actual thing on my wall and post it. Finally, please note that I have added some more interior illustrations in the “Big Illustrated Books” section of my SF art galleries.