Well, I did see a few books of interest here and there, but I was actually thinking I would just hang loose and save my pennies for another day...until I saw the old Heinlein pulps, namely “Beyond This Horizon” from Astounding Science-Fiction, April 1942 and May 1942. Only the first cover depicted Heinlein, while the second depicted an A.E. Van Vogt, but both, however, had pen-and-ink interiors by Hubert Rogers as well.
These lovely artifacts from a lifetime ago are hard for me to resist. I did not resist, therefore.
And then as I was checking out, Ray Walsh, the proprietor, who apparently knows his marks just a tad too well, asked if I had seen this old library copy of the Scribner’s juvie Citizen of the Galaxy. Deftly he conjured it from somewhere around his credit card machine, and yet, pointedly, before he had run my card... ’Twas significantly cheaper than the non-library edition I already saw, but sort of still real money. There was a 20% off sale, though, so oh, well.
I scanned all covers and, for those huge old pulps, interiors as well. Citizen of the Galazy is now on my Scribner’s YA/Juveniles page, and the Astounding with “Beyond This Horizon” are on my Pulp Magazines page.