Most importantly, however, I happened to take a look at their pulps, which included some niiiiiiice stuff...
For example, imagine my surprise in prowling through the shelves of Astounding to find the August 1939 issue containing “Life-Line,” Heinlein’s first published story—wow! I guess I never imagined I would hold one of these in my hands, but apparently they have not all been snapped up by collectors, and do still exist in shops here and there. Well, not this one anymore, of course...
In any event, I also chanced to grab “Misfit,” “Requiem,” “ ‘If This Goes On—’,” “The Roads Must Roll,” “Coventry,” and “Blowups Happen.” For a Heinlein aficionado, these are some of the true holies.
I scanned each lovely cover, therefore, plus, with care, their nifty pen-and-ink interiors, too, and now all are in my Heinlein cover art galleries.